I take pride in making fine art prints and art reproductions, supporting artists, photographers and enthusiasts in their print making endeavors! Whether it be for the latest exhibition, online sales or for home display. Original paintings and artworks can be accurately reproduced with high resolution photography for reproduction in print or digital form.

I am available to discuss your needs and work through the process, even if that means creating something new and unique as it can at times. Papers can be viewed and samples printed as required. I can drop ship work for online sales.

The largest prints I make are approximately 1.1m wide by 2m long, printed with a large format Epson printer using 10 channel pigment inks which are highly archival and suitable for the most demanding requirements.

With a background in engineering and a passion for landscape photography, I combine art & science to deliver the prints and artwork you’ll enjoy.

I aim to meet the quality you expect at a reasonable price Please be in touch to get your project started!

Located in Reservoir in Melbourne’s north.

I’m passionate about the natural world and our interaction with it. Find our more about my landscape photography here: johnhardiman.com.au

Johns little studio
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